How to Plant a Butternut Squash

Watch this simple tutorial on how to plant and harvest a butternut squash!

When to Plant Butternut Squash
Butternut squash is a pear shaped fruit with high amounts of vitamins and minerals and other essential nutrients. The best time to plant a squash is in the summer. The soil needs to be a temperate of 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit and it needs to be placed 4 inches deep in the soil.

When to Harvest Butternut Squash:
Squash is ready to be harvested in autumn. An indication that your squash is ready to be picked is when the stem turns from green to brown, it is a pale yellow or brown color, and the squash is about 8-12 inches long. When the squash stops growing that is another sign that it is ready to be picked. Another tip is if the squash resists being punctured by your fingernail. Cut the squash on the vine and leave an inch of vine left on the squash.

Storing Butternut Squash:
Squashes can be stored for up to 2-3 months in a cool, dark place like a basement or wine cellar. They last 14 days at room temperature.

Elena Rossi

As a social media specialist, Elena manages social media profiles, creates compelling content and websites, elevates communication strategies, and implements effective brand storytelling.


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